Hair lice

Hair lice

Everyone dreams of a happy life free from disturbances and anxiety, and a person loves when he goes to sleep, especially after hard work, to go to sleep without disturbance or worry.

Hair louse is one of the things that disturb people, as it is one of the reasons:

- Infection of the hair with infections.

Itchy scalp that causes its owner to worry.

Anxiety and insomnia during sleep as a result of itching in the hair.

Embarrassment to its owner when someone notices this insect walking on his head, or on his shoulders.

Here is the talk about hair louse in detail:

Hair louse:

 It is a very small, gray-black parasitic insect with a length of 2.5 millimeters that lives on the scalp, small the size of a sesame seed. It lays eggs called nits. When the nits hatch, the color of the insect is transparent and then turns reddish-brown when it feeds. On human blood, it does not have wings, but it can jump, it has six articulated legs, and it can stick well to human hair through the front legs, and it has strong claws.

The life cycle of hair lice:


The louse mates and lays eggs, where it sticks the eggs to the hair near the scalp, and the eggs need a period of seven to eight days to hatch and the young lice come out of it, leaving the eggs empty and shiny on the hair.

The louse needs to mature from 7-10 days to be able to lay eggs, where the louse lays about 8 eggs per day and hatches within 7-10 days and the life cycle of the louse is repeated again.

 Head lice live about 30 days when the nutrient medium is present, which is human blood. In the absence of it, they can only live for one day and perish within 24 hours.

How to infect hair lice:

Infection does not occur from nits related to the infected hair, as it is not transmitted to the healthy person, but in order for the infestation of hair lice to occur, there must be a mature female louse where the female hair louse is transmitted from the infected person to the healthy person in the following ways:

  •  When sitting near Server from a person infected with hair lice as it is transmitted by crawling.
  • Sleeping on a pillow for an injured person.
  • Using styling tools and personal items of an infested person, such as towels, hairbrushes, and clothes, sitting on bedding infested with head lice, touching the head of a healthy person to an infected person, or body-to-body contact, which are the most common ways of transmitting hair lice.

Provided that this is done within 24 hours before the louse kills, because there is no food environment.

Symptoms of the appearance of hair lice:

- A constant feeling of movement and tickling in the scalp.

Itching and scratching of the scalp cause some wounds.

Traces of small red bumps on the neck, shoulder and scalp, due to an allergy to the saliva of hair lice when they feed on human blood.

Anxiety during sleep with difficulty sleeping due to scalp irritation.

Itchy scalp may occur due to other causes of dandruff, eczema, psoriasis and scalp diseases.

A hair lice infestation is not a sign of poor personal hygiene and anyone can get hair lice.

Places of hair louse infestation: Hair louse infestation is

common at the end of the head, at the neck and behind the ear.

Lice eggs are also found on the hair like where they look like a crust, but they are difficult to remove because they stick.

Detection of hair lice: Hair lice

are detected in an infected person in several ways:

- combing the hair from the back to the front with a comb with small teeth, a wood lamp at the doctor, where the egg clusters appear blue.

- Infection with wounds and cracks in the scalp as a result of complications of lice infestation.

Hair lice treatment methods: Hair lice

can be treated without any prescription, as many medicines are available in pharmacies in the form of (shampoo - lotion - solution - spray - lotion - serum).

(All lice supplies safe and effective


Use of preparations to eliminate lice containing:

  •  Dimeticone 4% for children from the age of 6 months and adults and left on the hair for 8 hours, then rinsed well and repeated treatment after seven days.
  • Permethrin 1% for children from the age of two months and adults and left on the hair for 10 minutes, then rinsed well and decided a second time after seven days, but it does not eliminate the nits, so it is necessary to repeat the treatment on the ninth day to eliminate new hatched lice.
  • Pyrethroid extracts that are extracted from the chrysanthemum flower, as they are effective and safe when used and can kill live lice, not exposed eggs and not nits, so the treatment should be repeated after seven days.
  • Ivermectin 0.5%, which is used for people over 6 months, has the advantage that it prevents newly hatched lice from surviving. It is also effective in most of those infected with head lice when used once on dry hair without combing the nits.
  • Benzyl alcohol 5% is safe when used, as it kills lice, but it is not a hair lice exterminator. Therefore, it needs to repeat the treatment a second time after 7 days from the first time before producing new eggs and it is used by people over 6 months old.
  • Malathion 0.5% is safe and effective in eliminating head lice and partially niticide. It is preferable to repeat a treatment to eliminate lice after 7-9 days of treatment. It is intended for people aged over six years.
  • Spinosad 0.9%, which is characterized as being safe and effective, as it has the ability to eliminate lice, lice and nits without repeating the treatment again. It is also used for people from 6 months of age and older.
  • Lindane 1%, which is used to eliminate nits and lice residues from the first time. It is not recommended to eliminate hair lice the first time.

Some lice eradication products contain natural materials, which are effective and completely safe, such as (neem oil, cinnamon oil, tea tree oil, anise oil, Lavender oil - menthol - rosemary - eucalyptus oil).

Natural ways to eliminate head lice:

are methods that contribute to helping to eliminate lice and treat its complications, but they must be used regularly until they achieve the desired result:

Salt and vinegar:

Vinegar works to loosen the adhesion of the receiver from the hair strands, and salt contains natural antiseptic properties, so it works with salt and vinegar together to get rid of lice and nits.

Where a cup of salt is placed and a quarter cup of vinegar is added to it in an empty bottle and mixed well and sprayed on the scalp. Repeat two to three times a week to eliminate lice.

Tea tree oil and coconut oil:

Coconut oil is sticky and works to impede the movement of hair lice and cause them to suffocate. As for tea tree, it contains antiparasitic properties and when mixed together, it produces an effective recipe for getting rid of lice and nits.

Mix the mixture together and cover the affected head and leave for 30 minutes, then comb the hair with a hair lice comb and wash with shampoo and conditioner, and the recipe is decided regularly.


 Add 10 cloves of garlic to three tablespoons of lemon juice and grind until it becomes a fine paste and put it on the scalp and leave for 30 minutes and rinse the hair with hot water with

baking soda as it contains a natural antibacterial disinfectant, we understood the excellent recipes to eliminate head lice.

You can mix a tablespoon of baking soda with three tablespoons of hair conditioner and mix well, then divide the hair into sections and apply it to the scalp and hair, then wipe immediately using paper towels where lice stick to it and wash the hair after that with water and shampoo. This process can be repeated until the lice are eliminated. head permanently.

You must follow the following if you want to permanently get rid of hair lice: 

- Apply any of the treatments for the elimination of head lice on the scalp and dry hair, paying attention to the most infested areas behind the ears and neck, while adhering to the recommended duration of treatment.

- Rub the scalp and hair roots well with the medicine

- Use a special hair comb for head lice after treatment every two days for 2 to 3 weeks.

 All types of hair lice combs in the lice supplies department in Adam's pharmacy.

- To get rid of head lice permanently and repeat the treatment after seven days to get rid of lice eggs after hatching.

- Combs, head coverings and upholstery must be disinfected with washing at a temperature of 60 ° C for 30 minutes or ironing or - drying in the sun, or placing the contents in a sealed plastic bag for 14 days, as eggs are killed when - exposure to a temperature Heat over 53.5°C for five minutes.

- Clean the floor and furniture with a vacuum cleaner, especially the sitting places of the person infected with hair lice.

It should be noted that there is no preventive medicine to prevent or get rid of hair lice, but the only way is to detect it early and comb the hair constantly.

Some may use insecticides or gasoline to kill lice, but this exposes the infested to serious infections. 

Some believe that using different types of shampoo causes lice, which is a misconception.

 There is no relationship between lice and increased hair length.

It is not a carrier of bacterial and viral infectious diseases.

Household pets have no role in spreading hair lice.

How to prevent hair lice: It is

easy to get hair lice infestation frequently in children in nurseries or schools, due to the large period of sitting and proximity between them and sharing personal items with each other, but we can prevent hair lice by:

  • Not sharing hats, clothes, comb and personal tools in nurseries and schools.
  • Keep styling tools used for hair care in plastic bags and leave for four days, thus eliminating lice and eggs.
  • Examination of all family members to know the injured and treatment of all at the same time
  • avoid contact with the head while playing or sitting with the injured people.
  • It is preferable to isolate the person infected with head lice until they are eliminated.
  • shampoo daily care for personal hygiene.
  •  Take care when going to the barber, as the tools must be washed with water and powder and left for 20 minutes at a high temperature. It is recommended to shave the hair, especially for males, while continuing to use the treatment.
  • It is preferable to comb the hair with a wet comb and repeat this process at least four times a week.
  • Use the vacuum cleaner to suction and clean the furniture.
  •  Wash hair brushes and combs in hot soapy water and clean them with sterilizer.
  •  Cover upholstery for two weeks so that the infection does not recur.

We dealt with hair lice and explained:

the life cycle of hair lice 

and how to infect them.

and symptoms of its appearance.

And methods of treatment and prevention of hair lice.


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